Authors | Title | Conference Details |
Toru Hasegawa | Five Years Later: Critical research challenges in ICN five years after the first ACM ICN workshop | ACM ICN 2016, Kyoto, Japan, September 2016 |
Toru Hasegawa | Future Networking Research and Applications | IEEE ICNP 2016, Singapore, November 2016 |
Haitao Wang, Sripriya Adhata-rao, Mayutan Ar-umaithurai, Xia-oming Fu | COPSS-lite: Light-weight ICN Based Pub/Sub for IoT Environ-ments | Master Project |
Haitao Wang, Sripriya Adhata-rao, Mayutan Ar-umaithurai, Xia-oming Fu | Research on the communi-cation model in Internet of Things (IoT) | Master Project |
Md. Tou-fiqul Islam, Sripriya Adhatarao, Mayutan Arumaithurai, Xiaoming Fu | Measuring video retrieval time in Named Data Net-working Caching enabled & disabled scenario | Master Project |
Janosch Ruff, Sripriya Adhata-rao, Mayutan Ar-umaithurai, Xia-oming Fu | Develop-ment of a Gateway for Proto-col Trans-lation in IoT with ICN | Bachelor Project |
Martinez Alvarez Guido Francisco, Sameer Kulkarni, Mayutan Ar-umaithurai, Xia-oming Fu | Open SDN Testbed: Realize the SDN testbed and auto-mation of network topologies using the EU GEANT Testbed services | Master Project |
Hari Raghavendar Rao Bandari, Sameer Kulkarni, Dr. Mayutan Ar-umaithurai and Prof. Dr. Xiaoming Fu | Evaluation of state of the art works on SDN/NFV Placement and Load Balancing | Master Project |
Ander Schiavel-la, Sripri-ya Adhata-rao, Mayutan Ar-umaithurai, Xia-oming Fu | Gateway Imple-mentation Heavy Part | Master Project |
Fabio Sortino, Sripriya Adhata-rao, Mayutan Ar-umaithurai, Xia-oming Fu | Gateway Imple-mentation Lite Part | Master Project |
Waqas Awan, Jacopo De Bene-detto, Mayutan Ar-umaithurai, Xia-oming Fu | Evaluation of Chrono-Chat sync-state delay using GEANT Testbed Service | Master Project |
Md Tou-fiqul Is-lam, Jacopo De Bene-detto, Mayutan Ar-umaithurai, Xia-oming Fu | A Com-parison of Several Video Related Aspects Between CICN and NDN Platforms on Top of GTS | Master Project |